Glyphosate (Round-up) and oats, wheat, sugar, & corn: Why organic is necessary

Going organic to avoid glyphosate (Round-up)

Glyphosate used for crop ripening

Glyphosate (Round-up) is typically sprayed on grain crops and crops such as sugar cane to hasten the dessication process.  These crops can be harvested green, sprayed with weedkiller to promote faster drying of the grains, and then prepared more quickly than without the use of weedkiller.

If glyphosate is a weed killer, what's the big deal?  The main ways glyphosate works is two fold:

  1. glyphosate interferes with the shikamate pathway (which creates the aromatic amino acids, tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine) in plants resulting in plant death
  2. glyphosate is a  powerful chelator capable of binding metals so that they're no longer bioavailable to the plant

Animals, including humans, do not rely on the shikimate pathway and metal chelation, so what?  Why is glyphosate such a concern for humans?

Well... the bacteria comprising your microbiome and the microbiome of insects and other animals use the shikimate pathway, so when you ingest food contaminated with glyphosate, the weed killer just might alter the composition of your gut microbiome by killing off friendly bacteria.

Indeed, it's been demonstrated that exposure to glyphosate alters the composition of intestinal bacteria in humans and may contribute to neurological effects (see reference 2).  The microbiome of honeybees is also disrupted by glyphosate making the honeybee more susceptible to opportunistic pathogens and glyphosate exposure may play a role in colony collapse.

In this episode, Stephanie Center shares some of the other problems with glyphosate, where this weed killer is hiding in your diet, and how to avoid it.


Most common herbicides used in the US

Herbicide restrictions by state in the US

Trends in glyphosate use in the US

Metabolic breakdown of glyphosate in your body

Bayer to end residential sales of glyphosate in the US Glyphosate perturbs the gut microbiota of honey bees.  Erick V. S. Motta erickvsm@utexas.eduKasie Raymann, and Nancy A. Moran September 24, 2018 | 115 (41) | Lola Rueda-Ruzafa, Francisco Cruz, Pablo Roman, Diana Cardona, Gut microbiota and neurological effects of glyphosate,NeuroToxicology,Volume 75,2019,Pages 1-8,
ISSN 0161-813X,

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