Naturally Treating Interstitial Cystitis, Overactive Bladder, Infertility, & Menstrual Irregularities with Pelvic Floor and Mercier Therapy

Supporting fertility, a healthy cycle, and bladder health with Mercier and Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic Floor and Mercier Therapist Gina Valdez talks with me about how to support overactive bladder, interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, and "infertility" naturally with  Pelvic Floor Therapy and Mercier Therapy.

You'll find the full transcript of our conversation below, and be sure to check out the YouTube video or podcast episode to listen.

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Transcript courtesy of Glasp AI


Gina thank you so much for taking the time to sit down with me and talk about how it will help yes of course I'm so excited I'm pretty excited too um so would you start off and maybe just share like what you do and all of the things you do because I feel like you have so many um you kind of different you're in so many different areas within this space yeah yeah I am a physical therapist um and also Mercier therapist I'm a physical therapist so I treat Orthopedics um but I also specialize in women's


health or pelvic floor in general um and so I see tons of pelvic floor patients and I've been doing that for over nine years and I love it um SO trading all pelvic floor dysfunctions um and then also I am a nursing therapy it almost it probably won't even pick that up but let's go ahead and start out okay this is where this was the beginning okay Gina thank you so much for sitting down and talking with you about pelvic floor help would you start off and just describe a little bit about what you do

01:15:  Mercier Therapy

yes um so I'm a physical therapist so I see Orthopedic um type injuries and um diagnoses but I also specialize in the pelvic floor so I specialize in pelvic floor I see plenty of pelvic floor dysfunction both men and women but specializing mostly in women and I'm also a Mercier therapist so that means that is a whole separate thing I'm a Mercier therapist and I specialize in a fertility treatment that is Hands-On it's an external treatment and it can help with things like PCOS or scar tissue from cefareans it helps to


regulate Cycles um it just really helps increase blood flow circulation to the ovaries uterus and surrounding tissues so it's really rewarding it has an 83 success rate of getting pregnant within the year of treatment for the fertility treatment itself um so so it's pretty I love what I do and I love helping people and it's so rewarding okay there with that I mean of course we could dive off into either one of these yes talk for a full hour yes let's start with the pelvic floor piece of it and


what kind of when you say pelvic floor what are you talking about and then why is that why is the help of this region of our body so important right right um so the pelvic floor is at the base of the pelvis and it's to support the bladder and the uterus and the rectum and so it just helps to support those organs and you need it to function properly to be able to contract and relax and have coordination when needed in order to function properly so it's it's so important the message out that there is help for pelvic floor


dysfunction because so many people live with pelvic floor dysfunction not knowing they can get better so for example urinary leakage jumping sneezing coughing laughing lifting heavy things and you're having urinary leakage and women just kind of brush it off as this is normal I'm just going to live my life like this um and I wear pads or do whatever I need to do in order to live my daily life with this urinary incontinence or stress hypotenuse and it doesn't have to be that way so it's so rewarding to see women who


have been suffering with different pelvic floor dysfunctions and now can find help and find treatment because there is a solution and usually it comes back to just having coordination between the pelvic floor and that that muscle to brain connections so yeah and there's a whole bunch of different pelvic floor dysfunction so whether it be incontinence constipation pelvic pain um overactive bladder so having to go to the bathroom frequently waking up at night to go to the bathroom um interstitial cystitis and prolapse


and list goes on and on so there's a lot out there it's very involved okay so when you're working with someone do you look at what condition their how do you approach it do you look at what their symptoms are or do you look at just you know them their anatomy and kind of figure out where I'm assuming this is how you do it like where they're holding tension or where they may be misaligned and then yeah yeah no that's a good question it's a good question so first look at to me and say what the problem


is and usually by asking me asking questions like if you have constipation do you have pelvic pain do you have these certain issues then I'll know oh you know it's probably that their pelvic floor might be too tight and it's up regulated so the answer is not going to be kegels we need to learn how to relax that pelvic floor first before we just throw off that one or do kegels uh so really I'm going to hear what they have to say and based off what they're saying I'll most likely come up with what's


going on and then after doing usually at the initial evaluation we do an internal pelvic floor muscle assessment so if you go in to see a pelvic floor physical therapist and you have pelvic floor dysfunction we'll check core strain back range of motion and we'll also do an internal pelvic floor muscle assessment to check if the pelvic floor is able to contract can you do a Kegel do you even know what that is can you do one without tightening your glutes and holding your breath um and then also checking for pain


tension prolapse those types of things so and looking at the whole person of course because the core and the back and the pelvic floor hips everything works together and even your feet playing huge role so the arches of your feet how you're supported and how you take the impact of each step can play a huge role with your okay I know that's a lot that is a lot so um I I think that okay so you just come in so much these aren't just over your feet when can we yeah we talk a little bit more about that yeah yeah


um I mean every step you take every has an impact on your body so your feet are the first thing to hit the ground to absorb pressure so you got your needs your your ankles and feet I mean your knees your hips and it kind of works up the kinetic chain so we want to look at ankle range of motion and do you have any feet problems and then are your minutes okay hips okay because all of that will play an impact on the pelvic floor so just how are you able to absorb each step you take um are restrictions coming from the um


feeds or anywhere else in the body so looking at the whole person too makes a big difference okay yeah when so with that maybe just one more question about that so with the arches of your feet does that have anything to do with how tight your lower back is so because you mentioned kind of up you know this whole chain does it also play a role in maybe if there is any attention in that lower back that's contributing to the overall problem and I feel like everyone's so different so am I just depend on this okay yeah


okay um when you work with men what does that look like like what are the I guess what are the conditions that they present with compared with women usually the men I see um have prostate issues or have had prostate cancer so they've had a prostectomy so now they're having like leakage issues um so really just teaching them um bladder irritants um appropriate fluid intakes um bladder habits toileting better toileting habits um and getting their pelvic floor more coordinating and stronger along with their core


um so yeah that's mostly what I see is um prostectomy status post prostectomies so after they've had cancer and a lot of them are waiting to get radiation treatments so the doctor wants them to decrease leakage before they go to radiation but I also see pelvic pain also you know as a diagnosis Amber so with the overactive bladder piece of it what um okay actually I wanted to take a step back okay all right so then when you when you start working with someone and what does it typically look like how long will


they typically need to see you um what does the session typically look like like I guess the question here is more um how much are you manipulating Hands-On versus talking with the with people about how to just improve the health of their pelvic floor and then when you're talking about pivot for health kind of what does that look like is it just exercises or what does it look like because any I mean you yeah you alluded to this and what you just answered but yeah yeah dive in a little deeper so like so first with the overactive


bladder I'm going to touch on overactive bladder um that is when you have to go to the bathroom often so sometimes someone might have to go to the bathroom every 50 minutes every hour and it's been like this for years so we're not only gonna we're gonna teach them bladder retraining and I can talk about that also and then that's urge suppression so how do we get it from you let's say going and urinating every 50 minutes to now going every hour and 15 minutes to every hour and a half to


every two hours so it's just a better quality of life you could sit and work you could sit through a movie uh and you know travel easier um so all those lifestyle habits and that like I said comes from exercises coordination bladdery training and then also we talk about bladder irritants um that's a big one so um do you want to dive into Lottery training okay yeah so this is huge I love treating overactive bladder because there's quick results if a patient does bladder retraining and that urge suppression technique they will see


results quickly so what it is is let's say someone is just sitting at work and sitting there typing on their computer and they feel like they have to go but they know they just went 45 minutes ago they didn't drink any crazy amounts of fluid and they have to go again what you want to do is you want to stop what you're doing breathe take a break for a second do five quick kegels and what that does is when you do a Kegel it's Contracting the pelvic floor when you contract the pelvic floor it relaxes the bladder so


the bladder's not being saying like oh I have to go pee you're relaxing the bladder so you do five foot kegels breathe tell yourself you can wait distract yourself talk to a co-worker whatever you got to do to get your mind off the fact that you have to go to the bathroom that urge will subside and then you just wait keep working until that next urge comes which should be let's say 20 30 minutes later so now we're just trying to extend the time so every time you feel the urge and you know you


shouldn't go because you just went do five foot kegels tell yourself you can wait and then wait same thing if you're waking up in the night scopy like when you're going on yeah yeah all right so with that because this also ties in so much with Interstitial cystitis yeah something else yeah and maybe just before anyone listening who doesn't isn't familiar with what Interstitial cystitis is just saying what it is and then how this kind of ties in with that overactive bladder yes absolutely um Interstitial cystitis to be labeled


painful bladder syndrome because it just presents like painful bladder kind of a sense like UTI but it's not testing positive for infection so it's kind of like what do we do with this patient because they're saying they have kind of symptoms of UTI but there's nothing there so it kind of gives this umbrella term of Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome um usually um bladder irritants are a huge trigger for people and bladder irritants are alcohol is a big one soda really sugary foods like if you have a shaved ice with


like the syrup on it that syrup and corn syrup spicy foods juices Citrus because of the acidity so chocolate has caffeine and sugar um and kind of the list goes on and on and everyone's different so some people might be really sensitive to alcohol and coffee and another person might be really sensitive to spicy foods and soda so we really want to try to eliminate all bladder irritants focus on down regulating the pelvic floor that's a whole other topic but down regular pelvic floor is to relax the pelvic floor because a lot of times

12:30: interstitial cystitis

when you have IC Interstitial cystitis the pelvic floor is up regulated and tight because you're in pain often so you want to learn how to relax it with simple stretches and breathing techniques okay so yeah which is something else that you go yes something else you do too is diaphragmatic breathing um which is belly you know in your nose out your mouth relaxing anything's going to open up the pelvic floor it's going to help relax it bring your knees to your chest you know child's pose happy baby

13:00: Mercier therapy

um deep squats and those types of things okay yeah to relax pelvic floor okay I know that's nothing yeah it is um kind of transitioning a little bit over into the Mercier therapy side so how so you started out as a pelvic floor therapist and then added on this Mercier therapy right right so uh can we talk a little bit about maybe how Mercier therapy is different from pelvic floor therapy and then plus the overlap between the two yeah yeah um so Mercy therapy was played by Jennifer Mercier who is a naturopath


um she's a midwife she's out in Chicago and so to be a mercier therapist you're gonna go take the course with her in Chicago um and I should say Illinois because stop in Chicago but anyways um this is something completely separate so other people in the healthcare profession whether it's like a massage therapist or a nurse practitioner or other Healthcare professions can take this um professionals can take this course in order to be a Mercier therapist um and this um like I said it's all external


Hands-On treatment to help increase blood flow and circulation to the uterus and ovaries and the surrounding tissues um so just another Hands-On way to help these organs function as well as they possibly can yeah and you mentioned so for conditions like so first of all well we'll get to the fertility piece separately okay um maybe just to focus on when there's something wrong with your cycle or your Cycles presenting you have PCOS or individuals but it is helpful for re-establishing regularity and a healthy


cycle yes 100 percent okay because especially when it's um your hormones are offer there's scar tissue or things just aren't functioning properly due to you know changes in hormone whether it be PCOS the endometriosis um but that endometrial tissue growing outside of the uterus this is going to help to again break up Scar Tissue increase circulation help just mobility of these organs to function properly okay yeah and then for the fertility piece because I mean this is profound that it the you know the claim that within a


year of doing Mercier therapy there's an 83 percent chance of pregnancy if that's a woman's goal I mean that's yeah that's profound it is it is and that's based off a four-year longitudinal study that Jennifer Mercier did herself okay um so it's based off a decent amount of research that she did and so when we do it as an emergency therapist when we do this fertility treatment we have to do her exact protocol so that for research purposes so it's once a week for six weeks um and you're going through uh some deep


deep pelvic organ uh mobilization with that okay yeah and then with can you maybe just describe like what a session would look like because I mean there's definitely some superficial more lit movement involved and then also that deeper work that you were just talking about yeah yeah um we're gonna work the abdominal muscles and do kind of some lymph lymphatic sweepage they're lymphatic sleeps um we're gonna be doing some deep deep pressure on the uterus and and the ovaries and that's kind of a little bit


deeper technique um we'll work on the back and the glutes and um also stretch out a few of the hip muscles in those areas and so um someone just wants to be prepared to come in without a full stomach and make sure their bladder is empty um when we get started for that oh yeah and it's usually about it's about an hour long um treatment so once a week for six weeks okay okay yeah um I let's see and then the other question would be is it okay to do when you're on your period um that's a really good question


um yes for most people it's okay to do when you're on a period if you do suffer from endometriosis we don't want to do the Mercier therapy technique when someone is on their heavy cycle during Indonesians due to just the inflammatory response of everything and we're getting in there to increase blood flow and we want to continue to increase blood flow when there's already this endometriosis on the inside so we just we'll skip those few days that are heavier in your cycle and then just you know postpone it


a little bit as long as you have to adjust the schedule based off that on those weeks where someone's on their cycle and hasn't any sources okay so if someone comes to see you for the Mercier therapy piece of it do they report back any improved symptoms for other other things that are due to just pelvic floor dysregulation yes oh my gosh that's such a good question um yes um recently had someone who has endometriosis and she just has tons of bloating and just feels a lot of congestion down in her pelvic area just


super uncomfortable um she's going into surgery she just had surgery a few weeks ago because she's just bleeding non-stop I mean there's a lot of stuff going on but she was having constant bleeding um constant bloating and just a lot of discomfort and I did a treatment for her and she felt so much better afterwards and then usually after I do a treatment it does sometimes take a few months after you kind of finish treatment for your body to regulate so your Cycles might change a little bit whether they


get a little heavier or longer but sometimes there's some regulation period not everyone but some people do feel like a month or two um after they finish treatment their Cycles might look a little different than normal and then hopefully after that it's regulated and you have a normal healthy cycle okay yeah so for women who are discontinuing birth control and especially women who um I'm thinking here particularly any kind of shot the Depo shot and so oftentimes it takes a while for you know that cycle to come back yes yes do you


work um with with I guess with your client load are you working more with women who are interested in conceiving or who are presenting with some kind of hormonal imbalance or maybe you know looking to kind of support their body as they're discontinuing birth control I feel like I have a mixture of both I feel like most are seeking for fertility treatment because I a lot of women are not as proactive as others in in making sure that their cycle is healthy and making sure that they are um trying to I don't know have their


bodies as regular as possible or to have a health and cycle and have their hormones be healthy so I feel like I've seen more fertility because not everyone's seeking out treatment if their Cycles are off in that aspect or they just don't think there's anything they can do because they don't know about it I think that yeah they just don't know what can I do if my Cycles aren't regular because of birth control or whatever may be so I think just people don't know yeah so maybe they hear about if anything


just the fertility side and they don't really know about like oh endometriosis Cycles Scar Tissue all of those things yeah and I because I think with that um because you know you've mentioned Scar Tissue uh several times because of course it you know it it is if you if you've had a previous pregnancy given birth before especially with the Cesarean um but then also I think this and then and then of course endometriosis as well but I think this whole thing about when you're when you're on hormonal birth


control there's already um kind of less blood flow to the uterus and so this being truly a way to you know improve blood flow to that region and just help support all that reproductive all of your reproductive organs and fully passionate yes exactly get everything functioning to Optimal Health if you want Optimal Health in all of your organs and even the reproductive organs I feel like sometimes they're kind of you don't think about um um unless your goal is to get pregnant and that's when people do think of them

21:34:  Mercier as an alternative to IUI and IVF

um and then people also don't realize like things like if you're going suffering from infertility and you go through the IUI process and then you take Clomid that can decrease the uterine lining and the Integrity of the uterine um lining and you don't realize that and Mercier therapy can help improve um that so just the different hormones that people take so it had an effect on yeah so so is it also helpful in cases of recurrent miscarriage yes yes it can be um and someone is preparing for IUI or IVF or has

22:06: Mercier for recurrent miscarriages

recurrent miscarriages it can help to prepare the body to sustain a pregnancy longer or have a better transfer if um you know IVF was the plan down the down the road because now this organ is functioning better okay so of course you're putting it in the optimal um you're able to have a more optimal environment in order for IVF videos okay yeah you can help the valves yeah okay um do you kind of I mean the rest of these questions are probably going to overlap a fair bit between Mercier therapy and just pelvic floor


content in general I wanted to ask about sciatica and how often you have either patients on the floor therapist side or you know clients on the Mercier side come to you you know for for sciatica yeah yeah um satica is definitely more of like the pelvic floor side I think just because I'm pelvic floor PT so I see it not only just like pelvic floor but also it comes as like low back pain okay um because they said there was coming from that lumbar spine and they feel that pain in their glute going all the way down their


leg okay um so yeah I see it often um with more like the pelvic floor side and they see in pregnancy also you know as women's bellies get bigger their back arches more which is more lordosis lumbar lordosis and that can cause impingement of the sciatic nerve so fat nerve pain is common in pregnancy and also more come as a low back pain okay yeah yeah um good morning let's see I wanted to also ask well I kind of wanted to Circle background to the over got it off have a question maybe the constipation piece okay yeah


love it okay and I know just in some conversations that we've had um because you also give recommendations about generally how you're able to support like good good habits yeah regardless I mean we you know you definitely provided um some great insight into overactive letter yeah um when yeah when we're talking about going number two like what what are some ways to support your body in that yes yes I love it's funny because in my profession I am talking about bowel movements and urinary stuff and I mean all of these things every day


and that's just like my my Realms so I love talking about this so even if I'm seeing someone for a little back pain I might try to swoop in there something about like toileting posture so when someone has constipation I am going to of course I'm going to talk to them about diet what are they eating for breakfast lunch snacks do they have a sweet tooth like I want to dive in because a lot of times doctors don't have time and it's fluid intake how much are you drinking a day not only okay how


much fluid are you taking a day how much of it is coffee how much of it is soda how much of it is um plain water because it's crazy whether it be I'm jumping over back over to overactive bladder or Interstitial cystitis or men after prostectomies and now constipation like very rarely does anyone ever take the time to say what are you consuming in a day and it's crazy because when I break it down usually I'll hear people drinking way more of the junk and bladder irritants the acidic stuff the caffeine sugars that actual water and a


lot of people don't like water so just kind of slowly shifting things um they love coffee and they are drinking 30 ounces of coffee and then 40 ounces of alcohol you know it's crazy it's right here it's crazy really trying to shift that in a re it's something that's realistic for them yeah okay you love your coffee let's try to go from 30 ounces a day to 20 ounces a day let's try to shift that coffee to a low acid organic coffee okay can you do half regular caffeine half decaf so slowly

26:03:  overactive bladder and IC support

shifting things so you can still enjoy life and enjoy your coffee in the morning but make it a little bit easier on the blanket or about um okay back to constipation sorry I went off on a tangent today um so we'll talk about fluid intake diet and then toileting posture which is huge I won't and we plan on talking to this body potty um I think that's just the name brand but if you Google Squatty Potty they'll all pop up um and they're not they're inexpensive if someone can't get one using a step


stool two toilet paper rolls two yoga blocks two boxes whatever they tipped over trash can whatever they have you want the knees higher than the hips to improve toileting posture so what happens is is when we sit on our toilets and our feet are flat on the floor there's this muscle called your pubo rectalis and it's pinching off that anal canal and so it's harder for things to come out when you put your feet up on a Squatty Potty or step stool and your knees are higher than your hips that muscle can relax and make


everything easier to come out okay uh so I'll just decrease the risk of straining which you don't want to stray if you have someone has a prolapse especially just a great overall thing for a lifestyle no straining when you if you're having a bowel movement so it'll help decrease straining any pain so I might have with about so toilet powder toileting posture is huge knees higher than hips drink lots of water eat lots of fiber I know Americans don't have enough fiber in their diet they're not


eating a lot of fruits and veggies in a day so yeah trying to just convince them to get more fiber in the diet okay yeah sorry um and so you mentioned this training and relationship to prolapse when we were talking about um you know constipation on the flip side when we're talking about urination um yeah could you talk about that as well yeah like still using it still use a Squatty Potty when you urinate okay um let's say if someone does have any type of prolapse you want to make sure that you're not pushing to pee because a


lot of us in a hurry let me go we sit down on the toilet we don't even realize that you're trying to push the urine out to hurry up but that can also cause some stress on those organs and if someone's already suffering from a prolapse the last thing we want to do is have anything that's pushing okay so for toileting with any prolapse whether it be um rectal rectocele uh uterine prolapse or cystocele which is a bladder collapse always use a Squatty Potty breathe and don't strain kind of General


and then this kind of I don't know if it's necessarily a good segue but I'm going to use it as well so then when we're talking about pregnancy and giving birth and that kind of thing so oftentimes I mean and you mentioned earlier that women um who have bladder leakage um you know I feel like that's something that you hear so often in women after they've given birth um I also feel like I don't know it could just be me that is cesarean would make it more likely that you would wind up at least with it with


some kind of like urinary prolapse um when so where I'm going with this is um so when you're working with women after after giving birth what does that look like um and again this might overlap with Mercier and the pelvic floor yeah like pelvic Health in general after having baby yeah um one thing that we want to check is diastasis recti so that's like that separation of the rectus abdominis muscle so usually we'll see people six to eight weeks postpartum once they're cleared by their doctor six weeks for

29:43: when to seek pelvic floor therapy after giving birth

vaginal birth eight weeks for cesarean um and we want to check direct diastasis recti usually if someone has it really bad but also like have low back pain it just kind of sometimes go together not everyone but sometimes um but overall after having a baby pelvic floor dysfunction comes from kind of not being coordinated as in like I kind of forgot how to contract my pelvic floor and my core and it's just kind of like not having that muscle awareness anymore because of the trauma of childbirth and of course there's different grades if


you're having a vaginal um vaginal birth there's different grades of tearing so one two three or four exactly a huge role on recovery um for the pelvic floor and pain and dysfunction and all of that so after having a baby the biggest thing is to get the core strength back slowly and safely stay away from things like crunches push-ups anything that's going to create too much introdominal pressure like you don't want to ever have to hold your breath because you're lifting too heavy or trying something too hard


because you can cause a prolapse um as in let's say you just had a baby and then you go to try to do jumping jacks or you go try to do a burpee or you go even try to like chase after a toddler and pick them up those things right after childbirth can cause a prolapse you really want to just protect those organs rest and slowly learn how to strengthen your core so when I see them we're going to go through gentle core strengthening how to strengthen your core correctly um and then how to just regain that


strength of the pelvic floor so core pelvic floor play a good role after childbirth I know that was why but a little more and pelvic floor actually it's sitting on that because what you were just saying so this doesn't abide just to cesarean this would be any kind of abdominal surgery yeah yeah absolutely okay hernia repairs um or people that even people that get like hernias often whether whatever kind of hernias they are in little umbilical um knowing how to breathe correctly places you draw I can go into the


breathing of just if you have a prolapse when you learn how to breathe correctly if you just had a baby let's learn how to keep your core tight and breathe even to protect our back and our pelvic floor can you do a Kegel and breathe so I think no matter what kind of abdominal surgeries you have vaginal births whatever it may be whatever trauma is happening to that core or pelvic floor Learning To Breathe and then work those muscles surrounding muscles correctly play control and that's our physical therapy as usual you know okay yeah then


I have another question yeah it's still related to the surgery okay so what even for laparoscopic surgery is there benefit in either pelvic floor therapy or Mercier therapy just in helping to kind of rearrange that fascia tissue and and overcome this is again back to the scar tissue yeah yeah um absolutely so both Mercier and um the pelvic floor PT played a huge role with scar tissue and it's great to work on because Scar Tissue so as it starts to heal together it can bind down the fascia and the multiple layers and of


course when they're going in for cesarean or they're going in for whatever um arthroscopic surgeries they have to get through many layers and so we want to decrease that binding down of the layers by doing some whether it be cross friction scar mobs whether someone needs popping down the line um deep tissue mobilization gynol visceral manipulation so all of those things that just gentle fascial stuff is a huge role too and people don't think sometimes a more gentle approach can have of impact also so yes working on


Scar Tissue um is huge and anyone will benefit from Scar Tissue so let's say someone is coming from far away or someone can't make it into physical therapy all the time because of a job we can also teach our patients how to do it themselves desensitize the scar and then get to working on the scar themselves and the thing they can do because those you have to think there's sunscreen herbs on the surface and they cut through those sensory nerves and so sometimes those scars are really sensitive especially


big scarves whether it be a hysterectomy like a lot of slapping down but or cesarean but desensitizing the area and then working on that scar tissue it's big yeah well I just feel like I mean I I you know I have my gallbladder removed black or stock but I still struggled for years afterwards with and I couldn't find I first of all I didn't know where to look and then second of all it's like well it's really hard to find just like an abdominal massage therapist which is what I was looking for I didn't even


know that you know it's like the floor of physical therapy is this yeah yeah yeah it's hard it's hard to know where to go when you have certain surgery especially if it's like gallbladder and you don't think yeah right so yeah fashion yeah you just don't like put the two and two together but yeah and it plays a huge role because if you have Scar Tissue that's kind of near the diaphragm or the rib cage that could play a huge role with breathing and how all those tissues are moving also so yeah


all right Gina as we start to wrap up is there anything that you want to mention um I think the biggest thing is if someone's suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction um like they said constipation pelvic pain prolapse um incontinence in any way to seek help to know that having these dysfunctions is not normal and that they can find help um um no matter what state they're in so some states need a referral from a doctor to go to a physical therapy place um a lot of times they are covered by insurance so it's just finding a good


pelvic floor PD just anywhere you go you gotta find you know someone who's good knows what they're doing um and then when it comes to the fertility Mercier side of things um when it comes to fertility just sometimes the natural approach can be a good place to start the hardest thing is not everyone knows about it that's the hardest thing um but it's just jumping straight to something that's gonna that's gonna financially and emotionally and hormonally and mentally impact you just like IVF that's a lot IVF is this huge


huge impact um on all areas of your life and overall wellness it's it's a big a big commitment um so just maybe trying to take a step back and try a natural approach first before jumping straight to a medicated um cycle and going through the process um and then also for people that want to just have regular healthy samples Mercier therapy can help okay so yeah thank you so much yeah thank you how are people able to connect with you oh that's a great question um you can:

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Chronic UTIs Downregulating the nervous system Interstitial Cystitis Overactive Bladder Pelvic Floor Health

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