
Get relief from UTI Symptoms

14 days to a UTI free life

Is it really possible to get rid of UTI symptoms in 14 days? I did.

And, I've helped other women do it too. Over the next 14 days you'll get a daily email containing tangible tips and actions to reveal why you're dealing with UTI symptoms and what to do instead to help your body move beyond those symptoms.

Each email is designed to be:

  • digestible
  • info packed
  • building on the previous email to establish a solid foundation for UTI relief

This is for you if:

  • you've tried round after round of antibiotic and are still dealing with symptoms
  • your standard urine cultures are turning up negative
  • you're at your wit's end and don't know where else to turn

I've been there. I dealt with cloudy urine, smelly pee, urinary urgency, and burning while peeing for a year and a half. I got lectured on proper bathroom hygiene (when I'd never in my life before had a UTI... eye rolls were stifled on more than one occasion in the doctor's office) and the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis was thrown around pretty fast and loose when my urine cultures started coming back negative.

I fell down the rabbit hole of chasing microinfections.

And, then, just when I was questioning my sanity, a miracle happened. Something else in my health went haywire and that led me to the discovery that... UTI symptoms are a result of hormone imbalance.

This program reveals how your thyroid, insulin, and cortisol levels (3 vital hormones) create UTI symptoms when they're out of balance.

We tackle the insulin piece first because this is the piece that provides relief the fastest for most of the women I work with (and the one that worked for me).

Then we talk about the thyroid/cortisol connection with UTI symptoms.

If this sounds like a lot, here's the scoop...

each daily email is bite sized. When you open it you'll find the piece you need for that day inside and you'll typically also find a link over to a video of the email (in case you like to listen to the message instead of read it) and in many of the emails you'll find extra places to go to dive in even deeper to the topic of the day.

You'll also get email support with this program so you've got a life line for your questions plus two 15 minute sessions you're free to use at anytime over 3 months. So, if you make it to day 14 and have done all the things and are thinking "wait a sec, I've still got symptoms", schedule a sesh and let's talk!

The goal here is to get you beyond a life limited by UTI symptoms. And, yes! It is absolutely possible.

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What changed when I stopped hormonal birth control?

Whether you've ever used hormonal birth control or not, key changes in your reproductive hormones like:

  • puberty
  • getting pregnant
  • giving birth
  • being 35+ years old
  • going through menopause

all make you more susceptible to UTI symptoms, chronic UTIs, and even make you more vulnerable to receive a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis (aka painful bladder syndrome).

Surprisingly, estrogen & progesterone both play a key role in how your body processes sugar (aka glucose aka carbs), and when those 2 hormones change dramatically (like in any of those bullets above or when you start/stop hormonal birth control), then you become susceptible to entering a vicious cycle of chronic UTIs/UTI symptoms/and even being diagnosed with interstitial cystitis.

The good news?

It's possible to break free from:

  • cloudy urine
  • weird smelling pee
  • urinary urgency
  • burning while peeing

when you address the underlying problem. How do I know this?

Because I did it!

I suffered from all 4 of those symptoms for a year and a half.

It was miserable!

Every night, I was worried about peeing on the bed.

There were mornings when I thought I couldn't make it out the door because the need to pee was so urgent (even when I had just peed!). I was late for work more than once because of this!

In desperation, I turned to over the counter meds like methenamine, which is converted to formaldehyde (a known cancer causing chemical) in the bladder simply because I couldn't endure the urgency.

I rolled my eyes at practitioners and was nearly fired as a patient when they told me I just needed better hygiene (even when my very first UTI was at the age of 41)!

PCR testing led down a rabbit hole that cost 6 months more of pain, frustration, and mental anguish, and finally! when a practitioner prescribed me a 28-day supply of an antibiotic so potent I was certain it would cause C. diff., I reached a breaking point!

It's said that insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I'd been on the antibiotic hamster wheel far long enough by this point, and I decided it was time to break free of the mindset of traditional Western medicine. It was time to get to the bottom of this! It was time to stop living life confined to the prison of UTI symptoms.

When I drew that line in the sand and made an unwavering commitment to figure out why my bladder was suddenly a safe harbor for pathogenic bacteria and what changed when I stopped hormonal birth control, a window opened...

In a series of seemingly unrelated circumstances, I was able to finally piece together the underlying cause of my UTI symptoms, and when that happened within 1 week (and this is no exaggeration), I was able to stop 3 of those 4 symptoms listed above.

Over the course of the next several months, with additional modifications, that final symptom resolved, and now, more than a year on the other side of UTI symptoms not only am I symptom free, I've also helped other women break the cycle for themselves and in this course, you'll discover how to break free of these symptoms too.

In this program, you'll discover:

  • the surprising root cause of UTI symptoms and the cause of:  

    • urinary urgency
    • burning while peeing/painful urination
    • cloudy pee
    • smelly pee

Even when you're lucky enough not to deal with all of these, this program will help you resolve each of these symptoms so you're free to reclaim your life!

  • the Hormone Lattice: this concept will help you deal with UTI symptoms and also every aspect of your health (whether this is chronic migraines, weight gain, fatigue, etc.). You'll be introduced to how your hormones interplay with each other plus the 4 anchors that support hormonal balance within your body

  • how to help your body break free of UTI symptoms. You'll receive the complete action plan I followed to break free of UTI symptoms and chronic UTIs. This action plan is broken down into 4 easy to follow steps. Two of these are very simple to follow and the 2 other ones (that will require habit forming) are broken down into step-by-step actions for each of the next 30 days so that you're set up for success.

    Curious how long it takes to form a habit? Research shows that it takes 21 days (3 weeks) to form a habit. By providing you a step-by-step action plan for 30 days, you'll exceed that timeframe and feel so good by the time you hit that 30 day mark that you'll keep going!

    Bonus! this program provides the resources and tools you need to keep going with your new habits!

In 5 short videos, you'll discover the tools you need to support your body so that it's resilient to UTIs. 

When I finally linked blood sugar dysregulation as the root cause of my recurrent UTIs, I was able to resolve UTI symptoms within 1 week.

Imagine how liberating it would be to break your cycle of recurrent UTIs.

Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed healthcare practitioner and make no claims to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or illness.

When a lower UTI travels upwards from your bladder into your kidneys (or otherwise becomes systemic within your body), this represents a life threatening emergency requiring immediate medical care. 

The information provided here is what I discovered in my own health journey specifically battling recurrent lower UTIs (bladder and urethra involvement only).  Again, if you're dealing with a UTI that's spread beyond your lower urinary tract (bladder & urethra only) and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it's time to seek medical attention:

  • flank pain (indicative of kidney involvement)

  • fever/chills (might indicate systemic infection... infection that's moved into your bloodstream)

  • this is not a comprehensive list of symptoms of upper urinary tract infection or of a systemic infection

About me: I'm a pharmaceutical research scientist and Georgia Tech alumni with over 20 years experience in scientific research, adept at reading scientific literature and discerning confusing topics including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and metabolomics.

I've personally overcome recurrent UTIs by discovering the root cause of this condition in my own body and have helped other women break free of UTI symptoms. 

So, when you're ready to finally break the cycle of recurrent UTIs (or reduce your IC flares), let's begin.

This program contains 5 videos revealing:

  • the real root cause of chronic UTIs, UTI symptoms, & yes! even interstitial cystitis!

  • how to break out free of these symptoms (cloudy urine, smelly pee, urinary urgency, & burning while peeing)

  • steps to take immediately to begin finding relief within 2 short weeks

  • a step-by-step 30 day plan to continue feeling even better and moving towards full symptom resolution

This 30-day plan includes:

  • how to re-establish a healthy bladder to brain connection to reduce urinary urgency

  • which supplements to avoid completely to relieve symptoms

  • workout routine to support a healthy bladder

  • foods to avoid while giving your bladder time to heal

Click that buy button to access now.

How long will this take to work? 

When I finally pieced together this puzzle, I was able to experience a 75% reduction in symptoms (i.e. completely resolved 3 of the 4 symptoms) within 1 week! Full disclaimer, you will need 2 common supplements (non-proprietary and easy to pick up at your local store or through Amazon) in order to move towards symptom relief.

Does this program require any work?


This program is only for you if you are willing to make dietary modifications and adjust your exercise routine.

This program will not provide relief long-term (or even short term) when you fail to make dietary changes and fail to implement the changes discussed in this program (including which supps to avoid and which supps to take to support your bladder health... the list of supps to take is 2 supps long and easily available at your local store or through Amazon).

Additionally, for full symptom resolution, it's necessary to implement the changes in your exercise regime discussed in this program.

Who's this program for?

This program is for you if you're willing to commit to the 30 day step-by-step action plan included. 

This program is for you if you want to be well.

This program is not for you if you're more interested in taking a prescription or getting a medical procedure or arguing with me that it's actually MCAS causing your symptoms. There are plenty of reddit forums for you to visit if that's your jam and more than enough docs and HCPs out there to help you pursue traditional Western medicine approaches to managing chronic UTIs and IC.

This program is not for you if you're not willing to have an open mind about the what's truly underlying your UTI and IC symptoms and is not for you if you are unwilling to commit to changing your diet and exercise in order to stop your symptoms and reclaim your life.

Why do urinary tract infections (UTIs) and interstitial cystitis (IC) contribute to overactive bladder?

It's common for women who've dealt with UTIs (or IC) for years to experience overactive bladder even when they're free of other symptoms (i.e. even when you don't have cloudy urine and even when it's not painful to pee). 

Inside this program, you'll find guidance on a strategy for down regulating that urgent need to pee so that you're able to go longer without looking for a bathroom.

And, you'll get a downloadable list of common bladder irritating foods to avoid while you give your bladder time to heal.

Ready to start? Click that add to cart button above to get started.

Breaking free

What changed when I stopped hormonal birth control?

Whether you've ever used hormonal birth control or not, key changes in your reproductive hormones like:

  • puberty
  • getting pregnant
  • giving birth
  • being 35+ years old
  • going through menopause

all make you more susceptible to UTI symptoms, chronic UTIs, and even make you more vulnerable to receive a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis (aka painful bladder syndrome).

Surprisingly, estrogen & progesterone both play a key role in how your body processes sugar (aka glucose aka carbs), and when those 2 hormones change dramatically (like in any of those bullets above or when you start/stop hormonal birth control), then you become susceptible to entering a vicious cycle of chronic UTIs/UTI symptoms/and even being diagnosed with interstitial cystitis.

The good news?

It's possible to break free from:

  • cloudy urine
  • weird smelling pee
  • urinary urgency
  • burning while peeing

when you address the underlying problem. How do I know this?

Because I did it!

I suffered from all 4 of those symptoms for a year and a half.

It was miserable!

Every night, I was worried about peeing on the bed.

There were mornings when I thought I couldn't make it out the door because the need to pee was so urgent (even when I had just peed!). I was late for work more than once because of this!

In desperation, I turned to over the counter meds like methenamine, which is converted to formaldehyde (a known cancer causing chemical) in the bladder simply because I couldn't endure the urgency.

I rolled my eyes at practitioners and was nearly fired as a patient when they told me I just needed better hygiene (even when my very first UTI was at the age of 41)!

PCR testing led down a rabbit hole that cost 6 months more of pain, frustration, and mental anguish, and finally! when a practitioner prescribed me a 28-day supply of an antibiotic so potent I was certain it would cause C. diff., I reached a breaking point!

It's said that insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I'd been on the antibiotic hamster wheel far long enough by this point, and I decided it was time to break free of the mindset of traditional Western medicine. It was time to get to the bottom of this! It was time to stop living life confined to the prison of UTI symptoms.

When I drew that line in the sand and made an unwavering commitment to figure out why my bladder was suddenly a safe harbor for pathogenic bacteria and what changed when I stopped hormonal birth control, a window opened...

In a series of seemingly unrelated circumstances, I was able to finally piece together the underlying cause of my UTI symptoms, and when that happened within 1 week (and this is no exaggeration), I was able to stop 3 of those 4 symptoms listed above.

Over the course of the next several months, with additional modifications, that final symptom resolved, and now, more than a year on the other side of UTI symptoms not only am I symptom free, I've also helped other women break the cycle for themselves and in this course, you'll discover how to break free of these symptoms too.

In this program, you'll discover:

  • the surprising root cause of UTI symptoms and the cause of:  

    • urinary urgency
    • burning while peeing/painful urination
    • cloudy pee
    • smelly pee

Even when you're lucky enough not to deal with all of these, this program will help you resolve each of these symptoms so you're free to reclaim your life!

  • the Hormone Lattice: this concept will help you deal with UTI symptoms and also every aspect of your health (whether this is chronic migraines, weight gain, fatigue, etc.). You'll be introduced to how your hormones interplay with each other plus the 4 anchors that support hormonal balance within your body

  • how to help your body break free of UTI symptoms. You'll receive the complete action plan I followed to break free of UTI symptoms and chronic UTIs. This action plan is broken down into 4 easy to follow steps. Two of these are very simple to follow and the 2 other ones (that will require habit forming) are broken down into step-by-step actions for each of the next 30 days so that you're set up for success.

    Curious how long it takes to form a habit? Research shows that it takes 21 days (3 weeks) to form a habit. By providing you a step-by-step action plan for 30 days, you'll exceed that timeframe and feel so good by the time you hit that 30 day mark that you'll keep going!

    Bonus! this program provides the resources and tools you need to keep going with your new habits!

In 5 short videos, you'll discover the tools you need to support your body so that it's resilient to UTIs. 

When I finally linked blood sugar dysregulation as the root cause of my recurrent UTIs, I was able to resolve UTI symptoms within 1 week.

Imagine how liberating it would be to break your cycle of recurrent UTIs.

Vital Info

Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed healthcare practitioner and make no claims to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or illness.

When a lower UTI travels upwards from your bladder into your kidneys (or otherwise becomes systemic within your body), this represents a life threatening emergency requiring immediate medical care. 

The information provided here is what I discovered in my own health journey specifically battling recurrent lower UTIs (bladder and urethra involvement only).  Again, if you're dealing with a UTI that's spread beyond your lower urinary tract (bladder & urethra only) and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it's time to seek medical attention:

  • flank pain (indicative of kidney involvement)

  • fever/chills (might indicate systemic infection... infection that's moved into your bloodstream)

  • this is not a comprehensive list of symptoms of upper urinary tract infection or of a systemic infection

Will this really work?

About me: I'm a pharmaceutical research scientist and Georgia Tech alumni with over 20 years experience in scientific research, adept at reading scientific literature and discerning confusing topics including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and metabolomics.

I've personally overcome recurrent UTIs by discovering the root cause of this condition in my own body and have helped other women break free of UTI symptoms. 

So, when you're ready to finally break the cycle of recurrent UTIs (or reduce your IC flares), let's begin.

What's inside?

This program contains 5 videos revealing:

  • the real root cause of chronic UTIs, UTI symptoms, & yes! even interstitial cystitis!

  • how to break out free of these symptoms (cloudy urine, smelly pee, urinary urgency, & burning while peeing)

  • steps to take immediately to begin finding relief within 2 short weeks

  • a step-by-step 30 day plan to continue feeling even better and moving towards full symptom resolution

This 30-day plan includes:

  • how to re-establish a healthy bladder to brain connection to reduce urinary urgency

  • which supplements to avoid completely to relieve symptoms

  • workout routine to support a healthy bladder

  • foods to avoid while giving your bladder time to heal

Click that buy button to access now.


How long will this take to work? 

When I finally pieced together this puzzle, I was able to experience a 75% reduction in symptoms (i.e. completely resolved 3 of the 4 symptoms) within 1 week! Full disclaimer, you will need 2 common supplements (non-proprietary and easy to pick up at your local store or through Amazon) in order to move towards symptom relief.

Does this program require any work?


This program is only for you if you are willing to make dietary modifications and adjust your exercise routine.

This program will not provide relief long-term (or even short term) when you fail to make dietary changes and fail to implement the changes discussed in this program (including which supps to avoid and which supps to take to support your bladder health... the list of supps to take is 2 supps long and easily available at your local store or through Amazon).

Additionally, for full symptom resolution, it's necessary to implement the changes in your exercise regime discussed in this program.

Who's this program for?

This program is for you if you're willing to commit to the 30 day step-by-step action plan included. 

This program is for you if you want to be well.

This program is not for you if you're more interested in taking a prescription or getting a medical procedure or arguing with me that it's actually MCAS causing your symptoms. There are plenty of reddit forums for you to visit if that's your jam and more than enough docs and HCPs out there to help you pursue traditional Western medicine approaches to managing chronic UTIs and IC.

This program is not for you if you're not willing to have an open mind about the what's truly underlying your UTI and IC symptoms and is not for you if you are unwilling to commit to changing your diet and exercise in order to stop your symptoms and reclaim your life.

Why do urinary tract infections (UTIs) and interstitial cystitis (IC) contribute to overactive bladder?

It's common for women who've dealt with UTIs (or IC) for years to experience overactive bladder even when they're free of other symptoms (i.e. even when you don't have cloudy urine and even when it's not painful to pee). 

Inside this program, you'll find guidance on a strategy for down regulating that urgent need to pee so that you're able to go longer without looking for a bathroom.

And, you'll get a downloadable list of common bladder irritating foods to avoid while you give your bladder time to heal.

Ready to start? Click that add to cart button above to get started.

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